Material-UI React Bootstrap Table2

Pro Component

Next Generation of react-bootstrap-table

Add advanced interaction controls to your HTML/React tables the free & easy way.


Unfortunately, we are experiencing some difficulties with our live preview docs, and for some reason, the code demo does not work for this plugin and components. Please check them out here.



This is an exmaple of data table using the well known react-bootstrap-table2 plugin. This is a minimal setup in order to get started fast.

import React from "react";
// react component for creating dynamic tables
import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
import paginationFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator";
import ToolkitProvider, { Search } from "react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit";
// react component used to create sweet alerts
// @material-ui/core components
// @material-ui/lab components
// @material-ui/icons components
// core components

const pagination = paginationFactory({
  page: 1,
  alwaysShowAllBtns: true,
  showTotal: true,
  withFirstAndLast: false,
  sizePerPageRenderer: ({ onSizePerPageChange }) => (
    <div className="dataTables_length" id="datatable-basic_length">
        Show{" "}
            className="form-control form-control-sm"
            onChange={(e) => onSizePerPageChange(}
            <option value="10">10</option>
            <option value="25">25</option>
            <option value="50">50</option>
            <option value="100">100</option>
        }{" "}

const { SearchBar } = Search;

const ReactBSTables = () => {
  return (
            dataField: "name",
            text: "Name",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "position",
            text: "Position",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "office",
            text: "Office",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "age",
            text: "Age",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "start_date",
            text: "Start date",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "salary",
            text: "Salary",
            sort: true,
        {(props) => (
          <div className="py-4 table-responsive">
              className="dataTables_filter px-4 pb-1"

export default ReactBSTables;

const dataTable = [
    name: "Tiger Nixon",
    position: "System Architect",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2011/04/25",
    salary: "$320,800",
    name: "Garrett Winters",
    position: "Accountant",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "63",
    start_date: "2011/07/25",
    salary: "$170,750",
    name: "Ashton Cox",
    position: "Junior Technical Author",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "66",
    start_date: "2009/01/12",
    salary: "$86,000",
    name: "Cedric Kelly",
    position: "Senior Javascript Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2012/03/29",
    salary: "$433,060",
    name: "Airi Satou",
    position: "Accountant",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "33",
    start_date: "2008/11/28",
    salary: "$162,700",
    name: "Brielle Williamson",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "New York",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2012/12/02",
    salary: "$372,000",
    name: "Herrod Chandler",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "59",
    start_date: "2012/08/06",
    salary: "$137,500",
    name: "Rhona Davidson",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "55",
    start_date: "2010/10/14",
    salary: "$327,900",
    name: "Colleen Hurst",
    position: "Javascript Developer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "39",
    start_date: "2009/09/15",
    salary: "$205,500",
    name: "Sonya Frost",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "23",
    start_date: "2008/12/13",
    salary: "$103,600",
    name: "Jena Gaines",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "London",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2008/12/19",
    salary: "$90,560",
    name: "Quinn Flynn",
    position: "Support Lead",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2013/03/03",
    salary: "$342,000",
    name: "Charde Marshall",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "36",
    start_date: "2008/10/16",
    salary: "$470,600",
    name: "Haley Kennedy",
    position: "Senior Marketing Designer",
    office: "London",
    age: "43",
    start_date: "2012/12/18",
    salary: "$313,500",
    name: "Tatyana Fitzpatrick",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "London",
    age: "19",
    start_date: "2010/03/17",
    salary: "$385,750",
    name: "Michael Silva",
    position: "Marketing Designer",
    office: "London",
    age: "66",
    start_date: "2012/11/27",
    salary: "$198,500",
    name: "Paul Byrd",
    position: "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)",
    office: "New York",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2010/06/09",
    salary: "$725,000",
    name: "Gloria Little",
    position: "Systems Administrator",
    office: "New York",
    age: "59",
    start_date: "2009/04/10",
    salary: "$237,500",
    name: "Bradley Greer",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "London",
    age: "41",
    start_date: "2012/10/13",
    salary: "$132,000",
    name: "Dai Rios",
    position: "Personnel Lead",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "35",
    start_date: "2012/09/26",
    salary: "$217,500",
    name: "Jenette Caldwell",
    position: "Development Lead",
    office: "New York",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2011/09/03",
    salary: "$345,000",
    name: "Yuri Berry",
    position: "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)",
    office: "New York",
    age: "40",
    start_date: "2009/06/25",
    salary: "$675,000",
    name: "Caesar Vance",
    position: "Pre-Sales Support",
    office: "New York",
    age: "21",
    start_date: "2011/12/12",
    salary: "$106,450",
    name: "Doris Wilder",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "Sidney",
    age: "23",
    start_date: "2010/09/20",
    salary: "$85,600",
    name: "Angelica Ramos",
    position: "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)",
    office: "London",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/10/09",
    salary: "$1,200,000",
    name: "Gavin Joyce",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "42",
    start_date: "2010/12/22",
    salary: "$92,575",
    name: "Jennifer Chang",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "28",
    start_date: "2010/11/14",
    salary: "$357,650",
    name: "Brenden Wagner",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "28",
    start_date: "2011/06/07",
    salary: "$206,850",
    name: "Fiona Green",
    position: "Chief Operating Officer (COO)",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "48",
    start_date: "2010/03/11",
    salary: "$850,000",
    name: "Shou Itou",
    position: "Regional Marketing",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "20",
    start_date: "2011/08/14",
    salary: "$163,000",
    name: "Michelle House",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "Sidney",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2011/06/02",
    salary: "$95,400",
    name: "Suki Burks",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "London",
    age: "53",
    start_date: "2009/10/22",
    salary: "$114,500",
    name: "Prescott Bartlett",
    position: "Technical Author",
    office: "London",
    age: "27",
    start_date: "2011/05/07",
    salary: "$145,000",
    name: "Gavin Cortez",
    position: "Team Leader",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2008/10/26",
    salary: "$235,500",
    name: "Martena Mccray",
    position: "Post-Sales support",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "46",
    start_date: "2011/03/09",
    salary: "$324,050",
    name: "Unity Butler",
    position: "Marketing Designer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/12/09",
    salary: "$85,675",
    name: "Howard Hatfield",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "51",
    start_date: "2008/12/16",
    salary: "$164,500",
    name: "Hope Fuentes",
    position: "Secretary",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "41",
    start_date: "2010/02/12",
    salary: "$109,850",
    name: "Vivian Harrell",
    position: "Financial Controller",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "62",
    start_date: "2009/02/14",
    salary: "$452,500",
    name: "Timothy Mooney",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "London",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2008/12/11",
    salary: "$136,200",
    name: "Jackson Bradshaw",
    position: "Director",
    office: "New York",
    age: "65",
    start_date: "2008/09/26",
    salary: "$645,750",
    name: "Olivia Liang",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2011/02/03",
    salary: "$234,500",
    name: "Bruno Nash",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "London",
    age: "38",
    start_date: "2011/05/03",
    salary: "$163,500",
    name: "Sakura Yamamoto",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2009/08/19",
    salary: "$139,575",
    name: "Thor Walton",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "New York",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2013/08/11",
    salary: "$98,540",
    name: "Finn Camacho",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/07/07",
    salary: "$87,500",
    name: "Serge Baldwin",
    position: "Data Coordinator",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2012/04/09",
    salary: "$138,575",
    name: "Zenaida Frank",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "New York",
    age: "63",
    start_date: "2010/01/04",
    salary: "$125,250",
    name: "Zorita Serrano",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "56",
    start_date: "2012/06/01",
    salary: "$115,000",
    name: "Jennifer Acosta",
    position: "Junior Javascript Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "43",
    start_date: "2013/02/01",
    salary: "$75,650",
    name: "Cara Stevens",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "New York",
    age: "46",
    start_date: "2011/12/06",
    salary: "$145,600",
    name: "Hermione Butler",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "London",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2011/03/21",
    salary: "$356,250",
    name: "Lael Greer",
    position: "Systems Administrator",
    office: "London",
    age: "21",
    start_date: "2009/02/27",
    salary: "$103,500",
    name: "Jonas Alexander",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2010/07/14",
    salary: "$86,500",
    name: "Shad Decker",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "51",
    start_date: "2008/11/13",
    salary: "$183,000",
    name: "Michael Bruce",
    position: "Javascript Developer",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "29",
    start_date: "2011/06/27",
    salary: "$183,000",
    name: "Donna Snider",
    position: "Customer Support",
    office: "New York",
    age: "27",
    start_date: "2011/01/25",
    salary: "$112,000",


This example has two buttons used to copy (you can paste it inside a .csv file) and print the visible part of the table.

import React from "react";
// react plugin that prints a given react component
import ReactToPrint from "react-to-print";
// react component for creating dynamic tables
import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
import paginationFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator";
import ToolkitProvider, { Search } from "react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit";
// react component used to create sweet alerts
import ReactBSAlert from "react-bootstrap-sweetalert";
// @material-ui/core components
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import Button from "@material-ui/core/Button";
import Grid from "@material-ui/core/Grid";
import Tooltip from "@material-ui/core/Tooltip";
// @material-ui/lab components
// @material-ui/icons components
// core components

import componentStyles from "assets/theme/views/admin/react-bs-table.js";

const useStyles = makeStyles(componentStyles);

const pagination = paginationFactory({
  page: 1,
  alwaysShowAllBtns: true,
  showTotal: true,
  withFirstAndLast: false,
  sizePerPageRenderer: ({ onSizePerPageChange }) => (
    <div className="dataTables_length" id="datatable-basic_length">
        Show{" "}
            className="form-control form-control-sm"
            onChange={(e) => onSizePerPageChange(}
            <option value="10">10</option>
            <option value="25">25</option>
            <option value="50">50</option>
            <option value="100">100</option>
        }{" "}

const { SearchBar } = Search;

const ReactBSTables = () => {
  const classes = { ...useStyles() };
  const [alert, setAlert] = React.useState(null);
  const componentRef = React.useRef(null);
  // this function will copy to clipboard an entire table,
  // so you can paste it inside an excel or csv file
  const copyToClipboardAsTable = (el) => {
    var body = document.body,
    if (document.createRange && window.getSelection) {
      range = document.createRange();
      sel = window.getSelection();
      try {
      } catch (e) {
    } else if (body.createTextRange) {
      range = body.createTextRange();
    const styles = { display: "block", marginTop: "-100px" }
        title="Good job!"
        onConfirm={() => setAlert(null)}
        onCancel={() => setAlert(null)}
        Copied to clipboard!
  return (
            dataField: "name",
            text: "Name",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "position",
            text: "Position",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "office",
            text: "Office",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "age",
            text: "Age",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "start_date",
            text: "Start date",
            sort: true,
            dataField: "salary",
            text: "Salary",
            sort: true,
        {(props) => (
          <div className="py-4 table-responsive">
            <Grid container className="pl-4">
              <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
                <Tooltip title="This will copy to your clipboard the visible rows of the table.">
                    onClick={() =>
                <Tooltip title="This will open a print page with the visible rows of the table.">
                    trigger={() => (
                    content={() => componentRef.current}
              <Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>
                  className="dataTables_filter px-4 pb-1 float-right"


export default ReactBSTables;

const dataTable = [
    name: "Tiger Nixon",
    position: "System Architect",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2011/04/25",
    salary: "$320,800",
    name: "Garrett Winters",
    position: "Accountant",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "63",
    start_date: "2011/07/25",
    salary: "$170,750",
    name: "Ashton Cox",
    position: "Junior Technical Author",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "66",
    start_date: "2009/01/12",
    salary: "$86,000",
    name: "Cedric Kelly",
    position: "Senior Javascript Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2012/03/29",
    salary: "$433,060",
    name: "Airi Satou",
    position: "Accountant",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "33",
    start_date: "2008/11/28",
    salary: "$162,700",
    name: "Brielle Williamson",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "New York",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2012/12/02",
    salary: "$372,000",
    name: "Herrod Chandler",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "59",
    start_date: "2012/08/06",
    salary: "$137,500",
    name: "Rhona Davidson",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "55",
    start_date: "2010/10/14",
    salary: "$327,900",
    name: "Colleen Hurst",
    position: "Javascript Developer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "39",
    start_date: "2009/09/15",
    salary: "$205,500",
    name: "Sonya Frost",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "23",
    start_date: "2008/12/13",
    salary: "$103,600",
    name: "Jena Gaines",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "London",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2008/12/19",
    salary: "$90,560",
    name: "Quinn Flynn",
    position: "Support Lead",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2013/03/03",
    salary: "$342,000",
    name: "Charde Marshall",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "36",
    start_date: "2008/10/16",
    salary: "$470,600",
    name: "Haley Kennedy",
    position: "Senior Marketing Designer",
    office: "London",
    age: "43",
    start_date: "2012/12/18",
    salary: "$313,500",
    name: "Tatyana Fitzpatrick",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "London",
    age: "19",
    start_date: "2010/03/17",
    salary: "$385,750",
    name: "Michael Silva",
    position: "Marketing Designer",
    office: "London",
    age: "66",
    start_date: "2012/11/27",
    salary: "$198,500",
    name: "Paul Byrd",
    position: "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)",
    office: "New York",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2010/06/09",
    salary: "$725,000",
    name: "Gloria Little",
    position: "Systems Administrator",
    office: "New York",
    age: "59",
    start_date: "2009/04/10",
    salary: "$237,500",
    name: "Bradley Greer",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "London",
    age: "41",
    start_date: "2012/10/13",
    salary: "$132,000",
    name: "Dai Rios",
    position: "Personnel Lead",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "35",
    start_date: "2012/09/26",
    salary: "$217,500",
    name: "Jenette Caldwell",
    position: "Development Lead",
    office: "New York",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2011/09/03",
    salary: "$345,000",
    name: "Yuri Berry",
    position: "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)",
    office: "New York",
    age: "40",
    start_date: "2009/06/25",
    salary: "$675,000",
    name: "Caesar Vance",
    position: "Pre-Sales Support",
    office: "New York",
    age: "21",
    start_date: "2011/12/12",
    salary: "$106,450",
    name: "Doris Wilder",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "Sidney",
    age: "23",
    start_date: "2010/09/20",
    salary: "$85,600",
    name: "Angelica Ramos",
    position: "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)",
    office: "London",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/10/09",
    salary: "$1,200,000",
    name: "Gavin Joyce",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "42",
    start_date: "2010/12/22",
    salary: "$92,575",
    name: "Jennifer Chang",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "28",
    start_date: "2010/11/14",
    salary: "$357,650",
    name: "Brenden Wagner",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "28",
    start_date: "2011/06/07",
    salary: "$206,850",
    name: "Fiona Green",
    position: "Chief Operating Officer (COO)",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "48",
    start_date: "2010/03/11",
    salary: "$850,000",
    name: "Shou Itou",
    position: "Regional Marketing",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "20",
    start_date: "2011/08/14",
    salary: "$163,000",
    name: "Michelle House",
    position: "Integration Specialist",
    office: "Sidney",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2011/06/02",
    salary: "$95,400",
    name: "Suki Burks",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "London",
    age: "53",
    start_date: "2009/10/22",
    salary: "$114,500",
    name: "Prescott Bartlett",
    position: "Technical Author",
    office: "London",
    age: "27",
    start_date: "2011/05/07",
    salary: "$145,000",
    name: "Gavin Cortez",
    position: "Team Leader",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "22",
    start_date: "2008/10/26",
    salary: "$235,500",
    name: "Martena Mccray",
    position: "Post-Sales support",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "46",
    start_date: "2011/03/09",
    salary: "$324,050",
    name: "Unity Butler",
    position: "Marketing Designer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/12/09",
    salary: "$85,675",
    name: "Howard Hatfield",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "51",
    start_date: "2008/12/16",
    salary: "$164,500",
    name: "Hope Fuentes",
    position: "Secretary",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "41",
    start_date: "2010/02/12",
    salary: "$109,850",
    name: "Vivian Harrell",
    position: "Financial Controller",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "62",
    start_date: "2009/02/14",
    salary: "$452,500",
    name: "Timothy Mooney",
    position: "Office Manager",
    office: "London",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2008/12/11",
    salary: "$136,200",
    name: "Jackson Bradshaw",
    position: "Director",
    office: "New York",
    age: "65",
    start_date: "2008/09/26",
    salary: "$645,750",
    name: "Olivia Liang",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2011/02/03",
    salary: "$234,500",
    name: "Bruno Nash",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "London",
    age: "38",
    start_date: "2011/05/03",
    salary: "$163,500",
    name: "Sakura Yamamoto",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "Tokyo",
    age: "37",
    start_date: "2009/08/19",
    salary: "$139,575",
    name: "Thor Walton",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "New York",
    age: "61",
    start_date: "2013/08/11",
    salary: "$98,540",
    name: "Finn Camacho",
    position: "Support Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2009/07/07",
    salary: "$87,500",
    name: "Serge Baldwin",
    position: "Data Coordinator",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "64",
    start_date: "2012/04/09",
    salary: "$138,575",
    name: "Zenaida Frank",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "New York",
    age: "63",
    start_date: "2010/01/04",
    salary: "$125,250",
    name: "Zorita Serrano",
    position: "Software Engineer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "56",
    start_date: "2012/06/01",
    salary: "$115,000",
    name: "Jennifer Acosta",
    position: "Junior Javascript Developer",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "43",
    start_date: "2013/02/01",
    salary: "$75,650",
    name: "Cara Stevens",
    position: "Sales Assistant",
    office: "New York",
    age: "46",
    start_date: "2011/12/06",
    salary: "$145,600",
    name: "Hermione Butler",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "London",
    age: "47",
    start_date: "2011/03/21",
    salary: "$356,250",
    name: "Lael Greer",
    position: "Systems Administrator",
    office: "London",
    age: "21",
    start_date: "2009/02/27",
    salary: "$103,500",
    name: "Jonas Alexander",
    position: "Developer",
    office: "San Francisco",
    age: "30",
    start_date: "2010/07/14",
    salary: "$86,500",
    name: "Shad Decker",
    position: "Regional Director",
    office: "Edinburgh",
    age: "51",
    start_date: "2008/11/13",
    salary: "$183,000",
    name: "Michael Bruce",
    position: "Javascript Developer",
    office: "Singapore",
    age: "29",
    start_date: "2011/06/27",
    salary: "$183,000",
    name: "Donna Snider",
    position: "Customer Support",
    office: "New York",
    age: "27",
    start_date: "2011/01/25",
    salary: "$112,000",


If you want to see more examples and properties please check the official react-bootstrap-table2 Documentation.

You can also check the Official Github Repository.