Notus NextJS React Google Maps
react-google-maps provides a set of React components wrapping the underlying Google Maps JavaScript API v3 instances.
Please use instead the simple Google Maps API
Install all of the necessary react-google-maps
After that, you will need to import all of the necessary components and configure them with your own options:
import {
withScriptjs ,
withGoogleMap ,
GoogleMap ,
Marker ,
} from " react-google-maps " ;
const MapExample = withScriptjs (
withGoogleMap (( props ) => (
< GoogleMap
defaultZoom = {...}
defaultCenter = {...}
defaultOptions = {...}
< Marker position = {...} / >
< /GoogleMap >
export default MapExample ;
Get your API key
In order to get your Google Maps API key navigate to the following page: Google Maps .
After you’ve got your api key, you will need to replace in the above script, the YOUR_API_KEY_HERE
with that key.
import React from " react " ;
// react plugin used to create google maps
import {
withScriptjs ,
withGoogleMap ,
GoogleMap ,
Marker ,
} from " react-google-maps " ;
const position = { lat : 40.748817 , lng : - 73.985428 };
const defaultOptions = {
scrollwheel : false ,
styles : [
featureType : " administrative " ,
elementType : " labels.text.fill " ,
stylers : [{ color : " #444444 " }],
featureType : " landscape " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ color : " #f2f2f2 " }],
featureType : " poi " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ visibility : " off " }],
featureType : " road " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ saturation : - 100 }, { lightness : 45 }],
featureType : " road.highway " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ visibility : " simplified " }],
featureType : " road.arterial " ,
elementType : " labels.icon " ,
stylers : [{ visibility : " off " }],
featureType : " transit " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ visibility : " off " }],
featureType : " water " ,
elementType : " all " ,
stylers : [{ color : " #4299e1 " }, { visibility : " on " }],
const MapExample = withScriptjs (
withGoogleMap (( props ) => (
< GoogleMap
defaultZoom = { 12 }
defaultCenter = { position }
defaultOptions = { defaultOptions }
< Marker position = { position } / >
< /GoogleMap >
export default function Maps () {
return (
< MapExample
googleMapURL = " "
loadingElement = { < div className = " h-full " /> }
containerElement = {
< div className = " relative w-full rounded h-600-px " />
mapElement = { < div className = " rounded h-full " /> }
/ >
< / >
This component is already defined inside components/Maps/MapExample.js
. Check it out.
If you want to see more examples and properties please check the official react-google-maps Documentation .
You can also check the Official Github Repository .
You can also check the official Google Maps API Documentation .