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Light Bootstrap Dashboard React

Free Bootstrap React Admin Template

Product description

Light Bootstrap Dashboard React is an admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and React JS and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS or CRM.

The product represents a big suite of front-end developer tools that can help you jump start your project. We have created it thinking about things you actually need in a dashboard. Light Bootstrap Dashboard React contains multiple handpicked and optimised plugins. Everything is designed to fit with one another.

It comes with 6 filter colors for the sidebar (“black”, “azure”,”green”,”orange”,”red”,”purple”) and an option to have a background image.

Special thanks go to:

We are very excited to share this dashboard with you and we look forward to hearing your feedback!

You can find the Github Repo here.

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Light Bootstrap Dashboard React - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
Light Bootstrap Dashboard React - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Light Bootstrap Dashboard React - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Light Bootstrap Dashboard React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
1 year ago
6 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Community Support
Fully Responsive

Upgrade to PRO Version

Get more power with Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO React. It has a lot more features compared to the free version. We hope you will create awesome websites/templates with this product!

What is in Demo? What is in PRO Version?
Elements 30 60
Plugins 3 13
Examples Pages 7 4
Full Coded
SASS Files
Designer Files
Premium Support

We are here to help you!

68 Web Developers commented on this product

  • downloaded
5 years ago

hey how can i open the first page ?

  • downloaded

Hello @anoirtayeb155 and thank you for your interest in using our product. Please read our live docs: https://demos.creative-tim.com/light-bootstrap-dashboard-react/#/documentation/getting-started . Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the awesome freebies, however i can't find the implemented code of sidebar color and background image change, i would also like to implement that in my personal project, can you send me that version? Thanks

  • downloaded

Hello @joshinb87 and thank you for your interest in using our product. That is only used for demo purposes. If you want it, you need to implement it by yourself. It is not that hard to make it, if you know a bit of react it should take you a max of 30 minutes to implement it. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

i mean sidebar customizer which is in your live demo, but not in the downloaded package.

  • downloaded

Hello @joshinb87 . Please read the above comment. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

sriatsav 5 years ago

Can we integrate redux to this ?

  • downloaded

Hello @sriatsav . And thank you for your interest in using our product. We haven't used Redux in any of our products and can't really answer your question. But I am going to tell you what we've told to a lot of our users that wanted something in our products that we haven't used. Since this is a free product, you can download it and see if it suits your needs. I am sorry if this was not the answer you were looking for. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

sriatsav 5 years ago

If so, is there any guide to do so.

  • downloaded

Hello again @sriatsav . At the moment we do not have a tutorial or a guide on how to add Redux on our products. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Failed to compile when npm start ./src/index.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'routes/index.jsx' in '~/light-bootstrap-dashboard-react-html-v1.2.0/src' why is that ?? regards

  • downloaded

Hello there @pccgoico . Thank you for your interest in working with our product. Verify if you have a .env file inside your root directory, if you do not have, create it and add NODE_ENV=./src inside it. If this does not do the trick, than create in terminal run <<npm install -g cross-env>> and after this, change the start script by adding NODE_ENV at it's beginning. Hope this info helps you. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Thank you very much @ctmployee :-)

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Has anyone incorporated this dashboard into a .NET Core project?

  • downloaded
5 years ago

How can I implement private routes on this project?

  • downloaded

Hello there @feritarslan . I haven't worked with private routes, and to be honest, I do not know what they are. If you are having trouble understanding our RoutingSystem, you can go ahead and delete it, and create your own static routes, or your own Routing System. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded

I did handle it. I can add this implementation to free version on GitHub.
5 years ago

  • downloaded

Hello again @feritarslan . Go ahead and open a PR. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Hello, How to set pagination view when my api response in form of key and value for example - { "data": [{ "club_id": 1, "club_name": "myclub", "user_id": 24, "address": " Block-B, Radha Krishna Complex", "number": "123", "postal_code": "369", "club_long": "75.8849418", }] "rowsPerPage": 15 } how to i implemented it already done with the form of array in array for example - const dataTable = { headerRow: ['Name', 'Position', 'Office', 'Age', 'Date', 'Actions' ], footerRow: ['Name', 'Position', 'Office', 'Age', 'Date', 'Actions' ], dataRows: [ ['Shailendra Sen', 'Andrew Mike', 'Develop', '2013', '99,225', '1234'], ['Angelica Ramos', 'John Doe', 'Design', '2012', '89,241', '12345'], ] };

  • downloaded

Hello there @shailendra and thank you for your interest in working with our products. Unfortunately, this product does not have a Pagination component. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

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