5 Jaw-Dropping Myths About App Development For Android/iOS Devices Debunked

In the digital age where mobile app development/ Android apps, iOS devices reign supreme, businesses need customized mobile apps because the world has grown increasingly dependent on mobile technology. In 2018, 52.2 percent of all web traffic generated worldwide were through mobile phones, according to Statista.

This has inevitably led to high demand for mobile apps, an industry that is estimated to hit 100 billion dollars by next year.

That being said, some statements are thrown around about the industry that is not true. In the article, more light will be shed on this.

With this in mind, let’s dive deeper into mobile app development/Android, iOS myths. Here are 5 of them you need to know.

1. Non-programmers can build useful apps themselves now. No need to write a single line of code.

If you think this is true, then you must have heard about app builders. The idea behind it is simple: Use pre-set “blocks” to build mobile applications. But if this is a viable option of businesses, then why would almost all businesses spend thousands of dollars on building custom-designed, professionally-made apps?

If you think otherwise, you should read the following stats carefully. It will help you to make a more informed decision.

* About 18 billion apps were downloaded from the Apple store till now.

* Google Play store has 2.2 million readily downloadable apps on right now.

Poorly built apps do not stand a chance among the sea of professionally-designed and custom-made apps. Simply put, this is, however, not a desirable option for smart, forward-thinking businesses to use app development companies.

2. It is better to build websites than mobile apps.

Unarguably, most businesses need user-friendly, highly responsive, and mobile-friendly websites. So it is always to right decision to have one built for your business. But are sites better than mobile apps? No, they are not. Why? Because people use mobile apps than websites. In fact, a well-designed mobile app can perform actions much quicker than websites. And most people have realized that.

It is true that websites use servers to store data. On the other hand, apps use mobile devices to store their data. Because of this, the data retrieving process is much faster for apps than websites, even if those websites are very responsive. And it is not just speed that is the only reason for this trend. Let’s explore some other main reasons why this is so.

  • Modern mobile users spend a jaw-dropping 90 percent of their total mobile time on mobile apps. This stat alone says a lot about the concept of mobile app development/ Android, iOS. And the best part is, this trend is not slowing down anytime soon.
  • Personalization capability. Do you know that many mobile apps use your usage pattern, habits, interests, and other personal data to provide faster, highly intuitive, and more tailored user experience? You should if you do not.
  • Offline functionalities. This is a very unique feature that mobile apps have, unlike websites. Simply put, you could use mobile apps online. But you cannot say the same thing for websites. And even though most of its products need an internet connection, many of its content does not need it to function correctly.

That is why a whopping 137 billion apps were downloaded in 2017. Obviously, this is record-breaking and surprising, given the fact that there are almost 2 billion fully functional websites on the internet. This trend shows that most people are shifting radically from mobile websites to mobile apps, which make mobile app development/ Android, an iOS concept a hot and fascinating topic.

3. Mobile apps are overrated. They are expensive and often too difficult to create.

It is not surprising that mobile app development/ Android, the iOS concept is complicated. Generally speaking, web and app development is not for the faint of heart. Most professional app developers spend arm-tiring, and muscle-weakening days or months, creating mobile apps and responsive websites. It can be harsh.

But that does not make mobile apps expensive unless you want to build complex apps, which could be pricey. Apart from very complex apps that are loaded with lots of functionalities and features, mobile apps are affordable, generally speaking.

(So, if you need apps with complex interface design, tons of features, and is compatible on different platforms, you are going to spend more apparently).

So are mobile apps overrated? Not at all. Right now, most businesses cannot skip this very important step and decide not to get a mobile app. In fact, mobile apps are considered to be one of the most effective tools for contacting the target audience and draw-in prospects. In a few words, you MUST use multi-channel means to create a thriving enterprise that can hedge out the competitors in this modern digital environment.

4. No need to continue developing apps that are released on the market

Usually, it takes time to come up with an excellent concept for an app, sketch its features and do the appropriate layout, carry out effective research, create a framework and storyboard, define the back end of the application, test run the prototype and finally release it on the market. Phew, this is it! It is already out there, the workload is finally over. Nothing should be done about it, right? Wrong!

In most cases, apps are modified and re-modify to alter or improve it and also fix bugs and other issues. That is not all! You will also need to do post-release maintenance. So yes, this is just another ridiculous myth of mobile app development/Android, iOS concept.

5. Well-built apps can do without marketing

Many people who outsource their apps to the best professionals they could find often think that nothing else is needed to create successful apps that will get thousands or tens of thousands of downloads. So marketing is irrelevant. But this is a huge mistake.

If your apps are well-built, great. But you need email marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, and another type of digital marketing to promote your app purposefully. Also, you need to promote it through other non-digital channels. This is the only way to get lots of downloads.

Final Thoughts

The world of mobile apps is fascinating. Right now, it is an integral part of doing business in today’s technologically driven world. That is because the best mobile apps solve specific problems for their users. (That is why we use them every day for different reasons). So it is better to build mobile apps than websites, market them properly, and keep improving on them to make them more useful.

Author Bio:

Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem, a mobile app development company in New York, USA and India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring the latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. She also writes for top app development companies.