TikTok Tutorial #68 - How to create a Lava Lamp

Learn with us how to create an amazing Lava Lamp in HTML and CSS!

If you found us on TikTok on the following post, check out this article and copy-paste the full code!

Happy coding! 😻

1. HTML Code
2. CSS Code
3. Javascript Code

Get your code ⬇️

1. HTML Code

  - const height = 400
  - const width = 150
  - const inRange = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
  mixin lava(amount)
        ellipse.blob.blob--top(cx='35', cy='0', rx='35', ry='10')
        ellipse.blob.blob--bottom(cx='75', cy='270', rx='75', ry='10')
        - for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++)
          - const speed = inRange(8, 50)
          - const delay = inRange(0, 10) - 10
          - const height = inRange(30, 100)
          - const width = inRange(30, 100)
          - const skewX = inRange(0, 10) - 5
          - const skewY = inRange(0, 10) - 5
          - const rotation = inRange(0, 360)
          - const x = inRange(0, 150)
          - const direction = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'alternate' : 'alternate-reverse'
          circle.blob(r=(height / 2), cx=x, cy='400', style=`--skewX: ${skewX}; --skewY: ${skewY}; --height: ${height}; --speed: ${speed}; --delay: ${delay}; --direction: ${direction};`)
  .lava-lamp(style=`--height: ${height}; --width: ${width}`)

  svg(style='position: absolute; left: 100%')
        feGaussianBlur(in='SourceGraphic', stdDeviation='10', result='BLUR')
        feColorMatrix(in='BLUR', mode='matrix', values='1 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0  0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0 18 -7', result='GOO')
        feBlend(in='SourceGraphic', in2=`goo`)

2. CSS Code

  box-sizing border-box

  background darken(#8c14fc, 80%)
  min-height 100vh

  align-items center
  display flex
  justify-content center
  width 100vw
  position relative
  height 100vh
  overflow-x hidden

$lamp = #000
// $shadow = #bf55ec
// $core = #663399
// $lava = lighten(#9f5afd, 30%)
// $lava-bg = radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, $core 25%, $shadow)
$shadow = #19b5fe
$core = #3a539b
$lava = #29f1c3
$lava-bg = radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, $core 25%, $shadow)

  position absolute
  top 50%
  left 50%
  transform translate(-69.5%, -26%)
  opacity .2
  height 1300px

  height calc(var(--height) * 1px)
  width calc(var(--width) * 1px)
  position relative

    content ''
    height 500px
    width 500px
    position absolute
    background radial-gradient(circle at 50% 50%, $shadow, transparent 60%)
    top 45%
    left 50%
    z-index 4
    transform translate(-50%, -50%)
    filter blur(10px)
    opacity .5

    content ''
    height 25%
    width 300%
    border-radius 100%
    background radial-gradient(ellipse at 50% 50%, $shadow, transparent 60%)
    position absolute
    top 85%
    left 50%
    transform translate(-50%, 0)
    opacity .5
    filter blur(10px)

    border-radius 50% 50% 50% 50% / 60% 60% 40% 40%
    width 100%
    height 100%
    position relative
    overflow hidden
    z-index 2

      background $lamp
      content ''
      height 12%
      left 0
      position absolute
      width 100%

      top 0

      bottom 0
      height 26%

    background $lava-bg
    border-radius 50% / 10%
    overflow hidden
    height 70%
    left 0
    position absolute
    top 10%
    width 100%
    z-index 2

    height 20%
    width 100%
    position absolute
    bottom 0
    overflow hidden
    border-radius 0 0 50% 50% / 0 0 35% 35%

      content ''
      background $lamp
      border-radius 50% 50% 50% 50% / 60% 60% 40% 40%
      position absolute
      top -60%
      height calc(var(--height) * 1px)
      width calc(var(--width) * 1px)

    border-radius 50% / 10%
    height 100%
    overflow hidden
    position absolute
    width 100%
    filter url('#goo')

      height 280px
      width 150px

  animation-delay calc(var(--delay) * 1s)
  animation-direction var(--direction)
  animation-duration calc(var(--speed) * 1s)
  animation-iteration-count infinite
  animation-name blob
  animation-timing-function linear
  fill $lava
  transform-box fill-box

    animation none

    animation sway 20s infinite linear

    @keyframes sway
        transform translate(50%, 0)

@keyframes blob
    transform skew(calc(var(--skewX) * 1deg), calc(var(--skewY) * 1deg)) translate(0, 0)
    transform skew(calc(var(--skewX) * 1deg), calc(var(--skewY) * 1deg)) translate(0, calc((400 + (var(--height) * 2)) * -1px))

3. Javascript Code

 * Possible by randomly generating CSS variables
 * within our markup code.
 * Those variables define the characteristics of
 * each blob.

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