What Is Mobile-Friendly Website and Why It’s Important for Your Business?

The blooming digitization with the emergence of mobile technology has played a vital role in creating a digital age where we live in today. Nowadays, the majority of people have access to smartphones. Since the last decade, this count is ever-increasing.

In the present scenario, a thoroughly designed website is a must for businesses of all sizes. A website with proper speed and intuitive designs with a quality user experience keeps your audiences and customers visiting for more. Therefore, this results in increased lead generation and the credibility of your organization and website and adds to your brand engagement.

With the increasing number of mobile users, it’s important for businesses to create a mobile-friendly website. A quality user experience engages more visitors visiting your website on their smartphones.

Keeping that in mind, read on to know more reasons for making your website and its content mobile-friendly.


Why is Mobile-friendly Website Important for Your Business?

Just having a website doesn’t mean that it can work best on smartphones and tablets. While it may require a little more effort in designing, the below reasons to create a mobile-friendly website make it useful.

  • Mobile-friendly Website is a Must for Google

    Google gives priority to mobile-friendly websites over those missing in mobile search results. The change in algorithm has refined the way Google shows mobile search results. Mobile-friendly websites rank better than those that aren’t optimized for mobile.

  • It Adds to Your Convenience

    People everywhere use their smartphones to carry out their everyday tasks from searching a simple query to booking tickets and much more. The reason being the speed and convenience. People nowadays want to connect and quickly get what they are looking for.

  • It Proves Your Reliability

    It helps you build trust among your clients, customers, and influencers in your industry. A mobile-friendly website will enhance your visitors’ experience and help them see you as a trustworthy resource for information, services, and products.

  • It’s a Best Practice

    A mobile-friendly website is becoming a quality best practice. Responsive web designing has made mobile optimization more simple and available for everyone, that means users are expecting the same kind of experience when browsing through their smartphones. What’s more, customers won’t need to search for your website by typing the exact URL, they can just perform a simple search to find you easily.

  • You will Attract More Customers

    When they access your website and find the same information or look for something relevant to what you are providing, you will definitely want their experience to be nothing short of extraordinary. As many people use mobile phones for accessing the web, only a mobile-friendly website is able to offer that kind of intuitive experience. Delighted customers will again pay a visit to your website and will do a word of mouth. Whereas dissatisfied customers may do the opposite.

  • You Have to Do it for Google

    As per Google Webmasters, you should really try to do what Google recommends you. Same is the case of making a website mobile-friendly. According to Google, mobile is really vital for a website to be visible to the audience because every other person owns a mobile these days and they prefer using it for searches rather than opening their personal computers.

  • Look and Feel of Your Website

    Your website is going to look attractive and work well on any device if you build or redesign it using responsive web design. Avoid taking any random chances when it is about mobile optimization. A responsive design will let your website respond to the device a visitor is using to check your website, and it will look and work fine in any case.

  • It is a Benefit for Your Reputation

    It is not beneficial for your reputation online, but offline as well. People do notice a website they had a good experience with as well as the bad experience. Building a reputation is important, but maintaining it is a must. Most of the businesses don’t want to miss any chance to provide the best experience to their customers and build a positive reputation.

  • Your Business will Become Modern and Relevant

    You may be offering your customers with some helpful and unique services and products on the market, but if the mobile experience of using your website is not user-friendly, it can affect your business and user-base. Whereas a mobile-friendly website is modern and legit, it will help you attract more visitors to the website.

Websites that are not mobile-friendly may soon fall short of providing an intuitive user-experience in this fast-paced digital era. With the growing time, mobile-friendly websites will continuously emerge, standing out among those which haven’t implemented the mobile-friendly strategy yet. So, it’s time to work on your website and provide your users with an alluring experience while browsing through it.

Author Bio: Ritesh Patil is the co-founder of Mobisoft Infotech that helps startups and enterprises in mobile technology. He works in a leading mobile app development company with skilled iOS and Android app developers that have developed innovative mobile applications.