7 Visible Signs Your Website Badly Need A Revamp

We all know that the internet is rapidly changing. The techniques, technologies, and means that you used three or four years ago are now obsolete. That’s why you always have to be constantly on your toes so that you can keep up with these changes on a regular basis.

Luckily, there are telltale signs that signal that your website needs an update. So let’s get started, shall we?

Here are the six visible signs that your website badly needs a revamp:


1. Your website has an outdated look

Your web design should continuously move with the times. Keeping an old design will make people think that your website is outdated. On the other hand, people will feel more confident in buying products and services from you if they think that you are keeping up with the rapid pace of the internet.

Do they have better user-experience, or have a sleeker design? Are the loading times much faster? When you update your site regularly, the opinions about your business will gradually improve.

If you feel like your site feels old when compared next to them, then it’s high time to make a change.  You can also consider adding some animations using different CSS text effects


2. Your website is non-responsive

Approximately 60 percent of internet searches these days happen on smartphones and other handheld devices, that’s why you need to have a website that’s optimized for mobile.

Moreover, Google punishes websites with low rankings if they don’t take the entire mobile experience into account. So, if you have a non-responsive site, it won’t appear on the top results of search engines.

Moreover, having lower rankings also leads to lower traffic and sales. That’s why a site that’s responsive to all kinds of mobile devices is crucial. It must be easily navigatable and displayed in a way that’s easy to follow.


3. Your website’s bounce rate is high

Have you checked your site’s bounce rate? If it’s high, then you need to make some changes. Bounce rates usually represent that number of visitors that come to your site, and leave without clicking on anything.

High bounce rates can be due to a poor first impression. That’s why switching up your content and design to something more suitable can make a significant difference.


4. Your website has slow loading pages

People on the internet are impatient, and if you have a slow loading site, people will go someplace else. In fact, your website needs to load within 3 seconds, or else, one out of two visitors will leave.  The thing is, users, want to get what they came for ‒ immediately.

Here is the number of factors that can affect your site speed:

  • You have issues on how your site is coded.
  • Your server is simultaneously handling too many requests.
  • The file sizes on your site need power. As a result, it slows everything down.
  • Picking the right web hosting provider for your site.

These issues can be due to having a poor web design, an outdated looking site, or having a terrible developer.

PRO TIP – Looking for hosting reviews to narrow down your options of great hosting for your website.

5. Your website has many broken links

If broken links or error messages are piling up, then it’s because you have a poor, and disorganized website structure.

A revamp is needed to remove these mistakes. You can also perform a thorough review of the different design elements that were deleted or lost along the way.


6. Low Visibility

If you have stuck around long enough, you know that having low rankings on search engines is an absolute website killer. Meaning, you’re not frequently visited by users, and Google thinks your site shouldn’t take the top spot on the search results.

Of course, there came a time (in the past) wherein stuffing your site with various keywords is a great way to rank organically. But algorithms have changed since then. Publishing high-quality, original content will significantly help you with the rankings. As well as boosting your website traffic by maximizing social media platforms to increase brand awareness into your website.


7. You’re not achieving your business goals

If you feel as if you’re not reaching the goals that you’ve set for your business, then one of the easiest ways to make a significant impact is through a website redesign.

Many people make the mistake of prioritizing an aesthetically pleasing website over effectiveness. However, that’s a huge mistake. Crafting an effective website solves a business’ problems. It has a highly efficient sales funnel that will help you win over customers. Moreover, it’s simple and easy to use.

To create a useful website and start getting real results, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s the most valuable action you want your visitors to do on your site? For instance, if your an SEO site that wants to attract more leads, then make it easy for visitors to contact you on your website.
  • Is the call-to-action accessible and prominent in every single page? Your site should funnel users to the right places both intuitively and quickly.


Final Thoughts

Many situations can happen, which causes you to decide to redesign your website. In today’s digital age, web users have a lot of choices before them, and it doesn’t help if you make a poor first impression with your prospects.

After all, this first impression shapes a customer’s perception of your entire company. Having a sleek, and modern design represents a company that is on top of its game, with high-quality products and services to offer its clients.