6 Questions About What Is Laravel

Have you been wondering about what is Laravel or you are just new to the developing industry?
Then you should know that Laravel has rapidly been growing in the last year, becoming the most popular PHP framework. Within just 8 years of its initial release, most of the developers prefer Laravel because of its wonderful features and performance.

If you are curious about this awesome framework, check out this article where you will find some answers about what is Laravel that you probably have in mind.

1. What is meant by Laravel?

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework that is robust and easy to understand.  Here are the features that make Laravel so widely used by web developers:

  • A modular packaging system with dependency management. This means you can easily add functionalities to your Laravel app without writing them from scratch. You can either create your own packages for code you routinely use or install ready-to-use packages through Composer.
  • A complete authentication system
  • Object-relational mapping. Eloquent ORM included with Laravel presents database tables as classes for easier data access and manipulation.
  • A command-line interface (CLI) that comes with dozens of pre-built commands (Artisan).
  • Automatic testing. Automated tests are provided as an integral part of Laravel.
  • A portable, virtual development environment. Homestead provides developers with all the tools necessary to develop Laravel straight out of the box.

2. Is Laravel frontend or backend?

  • The easy way to say is “backend”.
  • Also, Laravel is a server-side PHP framework and you can use it to build full-stack apps, meaning apps with features typically requiring a backend, such as user accounts, exports, and order management, etc.

3. Is Laravel a programming language?

No, Laravel is a framework and the language that it uses is PHP.
In addition, a programming language is just a minimal set of rules for doing things, and a framework is a collection of useful tools written for a particular programming language.

4. What is Laravel good for?

Laravel is good for developing:

  • fast
  • easy – thanks to its versatility and user-friendly interface
  • durable web applications

The first and foremost advantage of using the Laravel Framework is that it is as follows – model, visual and controller-based architectural patterns and it has an expressive syntax that makes it object-oriented.

5. Can I learn Laravel without PHP?

If you are thinking to learn Laravel without understanding PHP programming, then bad news, guys: it will be almost useless 😔. You won’t be able to create additional functionalities and you will be completely dependent on the one’s Laravel ships as part of the framework. The bottom line, you need PHP and OOP concepts to understand what’s going on under the hood and to use Laravel to its full potential.

6. Is Laravel easy to learn? What is the best way to learn Laravel?

Laravel is considered to have a short learning curve, especially if you’re already familiar with PHP. Even when stuck, the community is really helpful and there are a plethora of resources to help you learn Laravel from scratch. For example, there are a lot of Slack channels that can be very useful when you have a question for your Laravel developing projects.

Here is a list with useful free Laravel tutorials:

Conclusions about what is Laravel

Laravel is indeed one of the best choices in case you decide using a web developing framework. It surely provides the best features a developer may need and il also has a great community. And let’s be honest, how great is it when you have dev issues and there are people who are willing to help you (for free ☺️ )?

If you are a Laravel fan, as we are, then you can check our Laravel templates. Let us know your thoughts!