Flutter Navbar

A Flutter Navbar is a navigation header that is placed at the top of the page.

Used it as an Appbar throught the app.


return Scaffold(
  appbar: Navbar(
    title: "Profile",
    transparent: true,
  body: Container();


You can always hover with your mouse on any object and see its types and parameters.

Parameter Type Default Description
title String “Home” Usually the title of the screen.
categoryOne String ”” One of the categories you could have in this navbar.
categoryTwo String ”” One of the categories you could have in this navbar.
searchBar bool false This enables the searchBar for our navbar.
backButton bool false This enables the back button.
transparent bool false This makes the appbar transparent.
rightOptions bool true This enables the icons placed on the right to the title.
tags List   This enables and receives the list for the tags you can see in the Beauty or Fashion screens.
getCurrentPage Function   You should use this when you want to know which of the tags is pressed.
isOnSearch bool false This is used to tell the navbar if you’re already on the Search screen.
searchController TextEditingController    
searchOnChanged Function   Function that gets called when something changes inside the input’s state.
searchAutofocus bool false Enables autofocus for the input.
noShadow bool false Removes shadow from navbar.
bgColor Color ArgonColors.white Changes the navbar’s background color.