Build Tools

Learn how to use Material’s included npm scripts to start a local server, compile source code, run tests, and more.

#NameUsageDescriptionRead More
1installyarn install or npm installThis command installs a package, and any other packages that it depends on.Read more
2startyarn dev or npm run devThis will determinate the start of your development server.Read more
3buildyarn build or npm run buildThis will create a build directory with a production build of your app.Read more
4lintyarn test or npm run testThis sets up Next.js built-in ESLint configurationRead more
5install:cleanyarn install:clean or npm install:cleanThis command will remove the node_modulesfolder and package_lock.json file, and will install a fresh copy of them. (NOTE: this command only works on linux based terminals)Read more
6install:peer-depsyarn install:peer-deps or npm run install:peer-depsThis command is fixing the peer dependencies issue when installing the dependencies using npm.Read more