Vue Icons

Get started with Bootstrap, the world’s most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites, with BootstrapCDN and a template starter page.


Vue Argon Design System comes with 100 custom icons made by our friends from Nucleo App. The official package contains over 25000 icons which are looking great in combination with Vue Argon Design System. Make sure you check all of them and use those that you like the most.


Nucleo icons are already included in the Argon plugin. They are imported inside src/plugins/argon-kit.js

import "@/assets/vendor/nucleo/css/nucleo-icons.css";
import "@/assets/vendor/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css";


Start placing icons in your HTML’s <body>. We recommend using a consistent HTML element, like <i>. Find the right icon and learn how to reference it in your markup.

You need to know two bits of information to reference an icon:

  1. its name, prefixed with ni- and
  2. the style you want to use’s corresponding prefix.
<i class="ni ni-air-baloon"></i>


Font Awesome 5

Optionally, Vue Argon Design System comes with Font Awesome which means 3000+ more vector icons made for you to use.


In order to use this icons on your page you will need to include the following script in the <head> section of your page before the theme’s main style:

<link href="/assets/vendor/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


Start placing icons in your HTML’s <body>. We recommend using a consistent HTML element, like <i>. Find the right icon and learn how to reference it in your markup.

You need to know two bits of information to reference an icon:

  1. its name, prefixed with fa- and
  2. the style you want to use’s corresponding prefix.
<i class="fas fa-heart"></i>


Get the icon you need on the official website:

Go to Font Awesome

Bootstrap Glyphicons

Another option for icons are Glyphicons.