React Mixed Chart - Soft UI

The Mixed Chart component helps you to simply create a mix of different charts for displaying the data.

The below codes are editable and you can modify them the way you want directly from your browser, please use the green button or the ctrl + s to save the changes.


// Soft UI Dashboard React examples import MixedChart from "examples/Charts/MixedChart";
Mixed Chart

Props Information

titlestring""Used to set a title for the chart.
descriptionnodestring""Used to set a description for the chart.
heightnumberstring19.125remUsed to set a height for the chart.
chart*objectUsed to set the chart data. It should be an object that contains the `labels` and `datasets` keys and these keys should be an array.
  • The `datasets` key is an array of objects with the following keys: `chartType`, `label`, `color` and `data`. You can pass as many objects as you want for the datasets array.
  • The `chartType` key is used to define the type of the chart you want to use. There are 4 types that you can use: `default-line`, `gradient-line`, `bar`, `thin-bar`.
Its a required prop.