React-native Switch
Our React-native switch component has a similar purpose to checkboxes - they’re a multiple choice element that is rarely used in forms, but rather as separate objects.
The main difference between them and checkboxes is that action caused by switching a switch does not have to be confirmed by a “Submit” button.
Default usage:
<Switch />
Property | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | ‘Switch’ | id for testID & accesibilityLabel |
checked | boolean | false | Switch checked value |
style | ViewStyle | undefined | Renders the Switch style |
thumbColor | ColorValue | ‘white’ | Renders the thumb color value |
activeFillColor | ColorValue | undefined | Renders the switch active thumb backgroundColor value |
inactiveFillColor | ColorValue | undefined | Renders the switch inactive thumb backgroundColor value |
thumbStyle | ViewStyle | undefined | Renders the thumb style |
switchStyle | ViewStyle | undefined | Renders the switch container style |
onPress | (checked: boolean) => void | undefined | Switch onPress callback passing the checked value as params |
haptic | boolean | true | Provides haptic feedback when toggling the switch |
duration | Animated.TimingAnimationConfig[‘duration’] | 250 | Duration in ms for thumb animated position |