Vue Info Cards - Argon

The Info Card component helps you to simply create a beautiful card displaying data in an interesting way.

Mini Info Card

Full Body


What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are liked.

Props Information

Name Type Default Description
icon* Object ['component', 'background'] Used to set the icon component and icon background color. It is a required prop.
title String title is used to set the title of the MiniInfoCard component.
description String description is used to set the description of the MiniInfoCard component.

Default Info Card

Belong Interactive

Props Information

Name Type Default Description
icon* ['String', 'Object'] ['component', 'background'] icon as an bject allows to set the icon component and icon background color. It is a required prop.
title* String title is used to set the title of the DefaultInfoCard component. It is a required prop.
description String description is used to set the description of the DefaultInfoCard component.
value ['String', 'Number'] value used to set the DefaultInfoCard.

Mini Info Card

754 m

New York City

Props Information

Name Type Default Description
icon* Object ['component', 'background'] Used to set the icon component and icon background color. It is a required prop.
title String title is used to set the title of the MiniInfoCard component.
description String description is used to set the description of the MiniInfoCard component.