Vue Social Button - Argon


The ArgonSocialButton component provides different styles for creating a social media button.


Props Information

Name Type Default Description
size 'default','sm''md''lg' default Change the ArgonSocialButton size.
icon* String Used to set icon to the ArgonSocialButton component. It is a required prop.
iconOnly bool false If true the ArgonSocialButton will have same width andheight values, its useful when using only icon inside the ArgonSocialButton component.
socialBtn* 'facebook''twitter''instagram''linkedin''pinterest''youtube''github''vimeo''slack''dribbble''reddit''tumblr' Used to set the background of ArgonSocialButton with the same icon brand color. It is a required prop.
rounded bool false If true the ArgonSocialButton get a rounded or circular shape.
slot node The ArgonSocialButton has a default slot that you can pass node or content inside it.

Icon Only
