Default Counter Card

The Counter Cards components helps you to simply create a beautiful animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way. It uses vue-count-to in base and you can use all of its props.


21 °C

Living Room


Props Information

count*NumberUsed to set a value for the DefaultCounterCard component. It is a required prop.
durationNumber4000Used to set duration of the DefaultCounterCard animation.
prefixstringUsed to set a prefix for the component.
suffixstringUsed to set a suffix for the component.
title*StringUsed to set title of the DefaultCounterCard component. It is a required prop.
description*StringUsed to set description of the DefaultCounterCard component. It is a required prop.
color*successprimarysecondaryinfowarningerrordarkdangerlightIt is used to set DefaultCounterCard text color. It is a required prop.