Vue Pagination - Material

The MaterialPagination helps you to create a beautiful pagination list with its items.


Props Information

slotnodeThe MaterialPagination has a default slot that receives MaterialPaginationItem as node.
color'primary''secondary''info''success''warning''danger''light''dark'successUsed to set the background of the MaterialPagination.
size'sm''md''lg'mdUsed to set the size of the MaterialPagination.
labelstringUsed to set label of the MaterialPaginationItem.
activeboolfalseUsed to mark the MaterialPaginationItem as active.
disabledboolfalseUsed to mark the MaterialPaginationItem as disabled.
prevboolfalseUsed to add left-arrow to the MaterialPaginationItem. Avoid using it with the label.
nextboolfalseUsed to add right-arrow to the MaterialPaginationItem. Avoid using it with the label.

