Background Cards


The Background Cards components helps you to simply create beautiful cards containing stunning background image.

Default Background Card

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As we live, our hearts turn colder. Cause pain is what we go through as we become older. We get insulted by others, lose trust for those others.

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the background image of DefaultBackgroundCard. It is a required prop.
label*Stringlabel is used to set the label of the DefaultBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.
title*Stringtitle is used to set the title of the DefaultBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.
description*Stringdescription is used to set the description of the DefaultBackgroundCard component.
button'label''color''Get Started''btn-white'button is an object withlabel and color keys and are used to set the text and color of button on DefaultBackgroundCard.

Simple Background Card

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the background image of SimpleBackgroundCard. It is a required prop.
title*StringUsed to set the title of the SimpleBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.
description*StringUsed to set the description of the SimpleBackgroundCard component.
routeStringjavascript:;Used to set the SimpleBackgroundCard route.

Colored Background Card


Nature's Light

It really matters and then like it really doesn’t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it.

Props Information

color'primary''secondary''info''success''warning''error''light''dark'successUsed to set the color of ColoredBackgroundCard component.
imagestringUsed to set the background image of ColoredBackgroundCard.
labelStringUsed to set the label of the ColoredBackgroundCard component.
title*StringUsed to set the title of the ColoredBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.
description*StringUsed to set the description of the ColoredBackgroundCard component.
action'variant''color''label'javascript:;Used to set the ColoredBackgroundCard button color and label.
  1. variant accepts contained, gradient and outline as value.
  2. color used to set the color.
  3. label used to set the label of the button.

Info Background Card


Props Information

color'primary''secondary''info''success''warning''error''light''dark'darkUsed to set the color of InfoBackgroundCard component.
image*stringUsed to set the background image of InfoBackgroundCard. It is a required prop.
icon*stringUsed to set the icon on InfoBackgroundCard. It is a required prop.
label*StringUsed to set the label of the InfoBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.
title*StringUsed to set the title of the InfoBackgroundCard component. It is a required prop.