Team Cards

The Team Cards components helps you to simply create beautiful cards for displaying your team members details.

Horizontal Team Card

Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts
UI Designer

Artist is a term applied to a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art.

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the HorizontalTeamCard image. Its a required prop.
profile*namelinkUsed to set the HorizontalTeamCard profile details such as name, and profile link.
position*labelcolorUsed to set the HorizontalTeamCard job title and its color. Its a required prop.
description*stringUsed to set the HorizontalTeamCard description. Its a required prop.

Transparent Team Card

Emma Roberts

CEO / Co-Founder

And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye. We need to restart the human foundation.

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the HorizontalTeamCard image. Its a required prop.
name*stringUsed to set the TransparentTeamCard name. Its a required prop.
position*stringUsed to set the TransparentTeamCard position title. Its a required prop.
description*stringUsed to set the TransparentTeamCard description. Its a required prop.
socialscomponentrouteUsed to set the TransparentTeamCard social media icon and route.