Review Cards

The Review Cards components helps you to simply create beautiful cards for display customers review or testimonials.

Default Review Card

Mathew Glock Image
Mathew Glock
Posted on 28 February

"If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment."

Props Information

imagestringUsed to set the DefaultReviewCard client image.
color'primary''secondary''info''success''warning''danger''error''light''dark'successUsed to set the DefaultReviewCard background color.
name*stringUsed to set the DefaultReviewCard client name. Its a required prop.
date*stringUsed to set the DefaultReviewCard date. It's a required prop.
review*stringUsed to set the DefaultReviewCard client review. It's a required prop.
rating12345Used to set the DefaultReviewCard rating or stars. Its a required prop.

Simple Review Card

Olivia Harper

Olivia Harper


The connections you make at Web Summit are unparalleled, we met users all over the world.

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the SimpleReviewCard client image. It's a required prop.
name*stringUsed to set the SimpleReviewCard client name. Its a required prop.
username*stringUsed to set the SimpleReviewCard client username e.g. twitter username. It's a required prop.
review*stringUsed to set the SimpleReviewCard client review. It's a required prop.

Mini Review Card


"If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment."

Mathew Glock
Posted on 28 February

Props Information

variant'gradient''contained''plain'plainUsed to set the MiniReviewCard background color variation.
color'primary''secondary''info''success''warning''danger''error''light''dark'Used to set the MiniReviewCard background color.
rating*NumberUsed to set the MiniReviewCard rating or stars. Its a required prop.
review*stringUsed to set the MiniReviewCard client review. It's a required prop.
author*'image''name''date'Used to set the MiniReviewCard client or author details. Its a required prop.

Complex Review Card

Mathew Glock

- Customer Story

Excelent payment service. You guys are the best!

"Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."

Mathew Glock
Marketing Manager - Slack

Props Information

image*stringUsed to set the ComplexReviewCard client image. It's a required prop.
title*stringUsed to set the ComplexReviewCard title. It's a required prop.
review*stringUsed to set the ComplexReviewCard client review. It's a required prop.
author*'logo''name''role'Used to set the ComplexReviewCard client or author details. Its a required prop.