We are happy to announce that Vue Material is now a part of the Creative Tim family. We are looking to make the development environment easier for developers looking to create a better
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Hi there! I feel like I should share my recent experience with design resources. Well, what do I mean? I can see more and more website designers able to create the right product
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Tired of searching for the best theme or template for your next Angular project? Yes, we know! There is a lot on the market but they do not always fit your needs. Probably
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Two developers and an entrepreneur walk into a bar. They read a Medium article saying that beer doesn’t make you fat, it makes you Lean. They’re somewhat relieved because
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A Minimal Viable Product is a bare minimum of features for your product with which you’re expecting to solve a problem. It’s one of the fastest and most utilized approaches for
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Let’s begin the UX design battle between the flat design and material design in a match to discover which interface design favors more usability by encouraging better user experiences. Since Google
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Needless to say St. Valentine’s Day is a marvelous occasion to celebrate something beautiful. For many decades, people have been treating this day as the most romantic time of the year. And
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You should not even consider developing any app until you are done with these 5 key things! If I am to guess I would say you are here because you are looking forward
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Ever found yourself looking for stock photos online with zero results? Or maybe, you once needed artistic Photoshop brushes and patterns? Or a set of Illustrator templates? If you’re a professional web
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Material design has gained a significant hype not only because it has been integrated into the Android-based projects, but for the web-based projects as well. As a gentle reminder for you, the concept
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Up until just a few years ago, Apple reigned supreme in the high-tech design world. Nobody else could touch the company or compete on the same level. High quality, well-planned design was at
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You are a so-called „real man”. You wear black and white. And once you finish your work, you come back to your home. Wearing a dress or a pair of jeans, you don’
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There is a new design for Android and it is called ‘Material’. It has been introduced at the Google IO developer week and has been regarded as a breakthrough ever since.
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