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Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Product description

If you are a react developer or a react website owner that needs to work within a dashboard and want to have a pretty sight while doing so, Paper Dashboard React is for you. Paper Dashboard React is a Bootstrap Admin Panel which combines soft colours with beautiful typography and spacious cards and graphics. It is a powerful tool, but it is light and easy to use. It has enough features to allow you to get the job done, but it is not crowded to the point where you can't find the files for a specific plugin.

We like consistency and design that blends into its purpose. Paper Dashboard React is a perfect example of our most thoughtful work. It combines over a dozen components and plugins, while looking like everything fits together. For an easy start or inspiration for you project, we have also create a set of example pages, like the user settings or usage graphics.

Paper Dashboard React is built using the same design language as Paper Dashboard 2.

Bootstrap 4 Support Paper Dashboard React is built on top of the much awaited Bootstrap 4 and uses the most used react framework that implements the Bootstrap 4 components on react, reactstrap. This makes starting a new project very simple. It also provides benefits if you are already working on a Bootstrap 4 and/or reactstrap project; you can just import the Paper Dashboard React style over it. Most of the elements have been redesigned; but if you are using an element we have not touched, it will fall back to the Bootstrap default.

Example Pages We wanted to fully display the power of this dashboard, so the kit comes packed with examples showing you how to use the components.

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Paper Dashboard React - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
Paper Dashboard React - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Paper Dashboard React - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Paper Dashboard React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
11 months ago
5 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Community Support
Fully Responsive

Upgrade to PRO Version

Get more power with Paper Dashboard PRO React. It has a lot more features compared to the free version. We hope you will create awesome websites/templates with this product!

What is in Demo? What is in PRO Version?
Elements 16 160
Plugins 4 15
Examples Pages 7 5
Full Coded
SASS Files
Designer Files
Premium Support

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27 Web Developers commented on this product

  • downloaded
5 years ago

first of all thank you for this awesome app, but i'm trying to use it , and i don't how, do i need to download all of files (paper dashborad) in my app or do i need to import it like a module or something , it works just fine solely but , i have no idea how to use, i'd appreciate if some one could help me in this

  • downloaded

Hello there @casha1995 and thank you for your interest in working with our product. You can just copy and paste what you need from our product into your project. Here are some tutorial made by us, maybe they will help you: <<https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-use-reactjs-with-webpack-4-babel-7-and-material-design-ff754586f618>> and <<https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-use-redux-in-reactjs-with-real-life-examples-687ab4441b85>>. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

It's a nice product. Thank you. But wen i try to build the project for production, index.html only showing blank page. It says 'ERR file not found /css/QuestionDetail.402e5d1f.css:1'

  • downloaded

Hello there @kevinanuhardi . Thank you for your interest in working with our products. Go inside package.json and delete the homepage prop. That should do the trick. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded

thank you for your fast response @ctmployee . But the problem still persists. Here are the error: /static/css/1.fe610234.chunk.css:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND /static/css/main.67d8ea21.chunk.css:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1.711ef339.chunk.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND main.b5d3c899.chunk.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
5 years ago

  • downloaded

Hello again @kevinanuhardi . After deleting that prop from package.json, you should also run again the build command. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded

I did that, but still. @ctmployee
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

hello this is a very good template i like it very much ^^ thank you for sharing it great job but can you please help me understanding the routes part (i read the docs but i didnt get it well ) to be clear this part i didnt get it <Router history={history}> <Switch> {indexRoutes.map((prop, key) => { return <Route path="{prop.path}" key={key} component={prop.component} />; })} </Switch> </Router>

  • downloaded

Hello there @nourloudahettache and thank you for your interest in working with our products. We've taken that from here: https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/guides/quick-start . When I first started to work with React I went through all that tutorial. Go through that and you will get it. It is a lot to explain, and that is why it is best to take a look at that page. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

hello! thank you for your awesome products but unfortunaltely i have a prb! I want to add a token based login page and i dont know where i should put the login page (views,layouts or components...) and to where make the redirect after authentification thank you

  • downloaded

Hello there @hedihalifa5070 . Thank you for your interest in working with our products. This article that I've recently written (it has not yet been accepted) will solve your issues: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-connect-a-react-design-system-with-firebase-and-redux-9646ca1c733f . I know that the product in the article at hand is different and that in the article is focused on the connection with firebase, but in this article, I'm actually writing on how to make a Redirect as well - also, you will see where to add your Login page as well. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

@einazare thank you so much for your help. actually I solve the login issue but im dealing with different problem when deploying with firebase.I deployed other reat apps with firebase but when im using your template the page with the "Hosting url" is blank. IDK wich file I should make the changes on. thank you for your reply

  • downloaded

Hello again @hedihalifa5070 . Go inside package.json and delete the homepage prop. That should do the trick, if that is not the case, you'll have to search on the internet how you should configure your homepage prop to deploy with firebase. Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded

@einazare it works !! thank you for your help
5 years ago

  • downloaded
5 years ago

Hello :) I would like to do a login page with this template. Unfortunately, I don't know how to remove header/sidebar for only one page (Only Login Page). The className="full-page-content" doesn't work as another template. How can I do this ? @ctmployee Thanks in advance.

  • downloaded

Hello there @achichi13 . Thank you for your interest in working with our products. You can make a simple if statement and have two returns in the render method. Or you can have only one return and in that return you can use the ternary conditional operator to render the header/sidebar and null. Here is an example from the official React docs <<https://reactjs.org/docs/conditional-rendering.html#inline-if-else-with-conditional-operator>> . Best, Manu.
5 years ago

  • downloaded
4 years ago

Hi. theme is not working in IE 11

  • downloaded

Hello there, @karemajanidevi . Thank you for your interest in working with our products and for your concern. We actually do not offer support for Internet Explorer, just for Microsoft Edge. Please read our README here: <<https://github.com/creativetimofficial/paper-dashboard-react/blob/master/README.md>>. Best, Manu.
4 years ago

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