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Free Bootstrap UI Kit

Product description

Paper Kit is a free Bootstrap UI kit that can get you going in a new creative direction! To say the least, it's different since it's not material, flat or iOS inspired. We hope the kit will help you make your mark and create something new. Using it is extremely convenient, since it offers fully responsive design and elements that are easy to use.

We created this kit having paper and drawings in mind. We tried to focus on pale colours, beautiful typography and thoughtful drawings. If you like the result, you can use it in your projects for free. You can import it in an old project and make it look fresh, or you can start a new one. It's very easy to use and to integrate.

Every element in the kit comes in fresh colour scheme, that goes from light blue to orange. Check out the live preview to see how they fit!

Bootstrap 3 support

Paper Kit fully support Bootstrap3, since it is built on top of it. No worries there! We have redesigned most of its components, giving it a new look. If you are using a component we have not touched, it will gracefully fall back to the Bootstrap default.

We will support very soon Bootstrap 4.0.


The kit comes with three pre-built pages to help you get started faster. You can change the text and images and you're good to go. If you want to get a picture of what you can build with this powerful kit, you can see the examples here:

Tutorial & Components

To see what you will get in the archive and how you can start using the Paper Kit, you can check out the tutorial page. It has all the basics.

If you want to see the documentation for every element, head over to the components page.

We're very excited to see what you can build with this kit. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, be sure to let us know in the comments!

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Paper Kit - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Paper Kit - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Paper Kit - Less Files for Professional Front End Developers
Paper Kit - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
9 years ago
9 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Community Support
Fully Responsive

Upgrade to PRO Version

Get more power with Paper Kit Pro. It has a lot more features compared to the free version. We hope you will create awesome websites/templates with this product!

What is in Demo? What is in PRO Version?
Elements 19 161
Plugins 3 12
Examples Pages 3 13
Full Coded
SASS Files
Designer Files
Premium Support

We are here to help you!

96 Web Developers commented on this product
