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Material Kit PRO BS3

Material Kit PRO BS3

Premium Bootstrap 3 UI Kit

· 4.90/5 (78 Reviews)

Premium Bootstrap 3 UI Kit

Product description

Start Your Development With A Badass Bootstrap 3 UI Kit inspired by Material Design. If you like Google's Material Design, you will love this kit! It features a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing.

This product is built on Bootstrap 3, if you are looking for Bootstrap 4 please check it here: Material Kit Pro BS4

Fully Coded Items

Material Kit PRO features over 1000 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. This means that there are thousands of possible combinations. All components can take variations in colour, that you can easily modify using SASS files.

Every item comes in 2 forms: PSD element and HTML/CSS/JS implementation. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code, because all elements are implemented. We wanted the design process to be seamless, so switching from image to the real page is very easy to do.

Layered Components
Every components comes with separate layers organised in folders. Every element has multiple states for colors, styles, hover, focus, that you can easily access and use. All PSD files are easy-to-use and we also offer support for any issue that you may find. You will find it easy to make changes and customise the elements, due to the smart objects used.

View all components here.


Material Kit comes packed with a large number of sections. Putting together a page has never been easier than matching together sections. From team presentation to pricing options, you can easily customise and built your pages. We have created multiple options for you to put together and customise into pixel perfect pages. View all sections here.

Example Pages

If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump start your development with our pre-built example pages. From landing pages to e-commerce or blog pages, you will be able to quickly set up the basic structure for your web project. View example pages here.

Header image courtesy of Ticu Razvan Narcis.

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Material Kit PRO BS3 - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
Material Kit PRO BS3 - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Material Kit PRO BS3 - Crafted with Bootstrap - the most popular Front End Framework
Material Kit PRO BS3 - Sketch Files for Professional Designers
Material Kit PRO BS3 - Photoshop Files for Professional Designers
6 years ago
6 years ago
Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
Premium Support
Fully Responsive

Trusted by 2,584,544 developers and these companies


Good for a personal or client web/mobile app.



Build your startup or client web/mobile app.



Perfect for web/mobile apps or SaaS projects.


*one time payment - no hidden fees, no subscription

Creative Tim Club

Lifetime Access to all our Present & Future Premium Products!

$749 $349

Full Code   
Designer Files   
Use in SaaS    ― ―
Projects    1 1 unlimited unlimited
Team Size    1 up to 5 up to 20 up to 20
Tech Support    support support priority support priority support
Free Updates    6 months 12 months 12 months unlimited

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Info: If you are a Registered Company inside the European Union you will be able to add your VAT ID after your Press "Buy Now"

Frequently asked questions

You can use our products to create an application where the end user is charged with a monthly/annually subscription plan (SaaS - Software as a Service).
The Freelancer license is aimed at people who work on their own. It grants you the right to use the purchased product only for one project (either yours or for a client). This license is not compatible with SaaS-based projects.

The Startup license is aimed at smaller teams. It grants you and your team (up to 5 people) the right to use the purchased product only for one project (either yours or for a client). This license is not compatible with SaaS-based projects.

The Company license is aimed at agencies or larger teams. It grants you the right to create other licensed products base on the template that you purchase form us. This license it's compatible with SaaS-based projects.

The Enterprise license is aimed at large companies with multiple projects. It grants you the right to create any kind of software, SaaS, digital products and sell them. For restrictions, please check here

Also, the differences between our 3 types of Licenses is given by the Tech Support / Free Updates availability and Team Size.

More info here.
The differences between the Free and Pro products consists of the number of components, plugins, sections, pages in each.

More info here.
You can upgrade from one license plan to the next one whenever you want simply by paying the cost difference. You only have to send us an email in which you specify the product that you have and the Order ID. We will give you an unique coupon for the upgrade.

More info here.
Yes, of course! You can use the PRO product for an open source project if you add in the Readme file (on github) or in the description of your product that you built the project using “X product from Creative Tim” and a link to the product page.

More info here.
You don't have any restrictions using the Enterprise License; you just cannot create products or businesses that are in direct competition to us using our products:

  • You can’t re-distribute the Item as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files. You can’t do this with an Item either on its own or bundled with other items. You can’t re-distribute or make available the Item as-is or with superficial modifications. For example: You can’t license an item and then make it available as-is on your website for your users to download.

  • You can’t use the Item in any application allowing an end-user to customize a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as an “on-demand”, “made to order” or “build it yourself” application. You can use the Item in this way only if you purchase a separate License for each final product incorporating the Item that is created using the application. For example: you can't create a website builder.
Depending on the License you purchase, you can use our products to either code a website/web application for you, for a client, or for multiple clients, which will be hosted on one or multiple domains:

  • For example, if you purchased the Freelancer License or Startup License, you can create only one website (for you or a client). Same, if you have multiple subdomains, like "test.yoursite.com" or "dev.yoursite.com", you can use the Freelancer License or Startup License.

  • If you want to create multiple websites, you will need a bigger License (like Company or Enterprise). Same, if you have a complex application like a SaaS and have "client1.yoursite.com" and "client2.yoursite.com" and "clientx.yoursite.com", you will need a multi-domain License like Company or Enterprise.
Depending on the License type you purchased, one or more developers (from your team, for example) can access the product:

  • If you purchased the Freelancer License, only you (one developer) can use the product.

  • If you purchased the Startup License, up to 5 developers (including you) can use the product.

  • If you purchased the Company License, up to 20 developers (including you) can access the product.

  • If you purchased the Enterprise License, you can work with a bigger team - more than 20 developers can access the product.
Here are the steps to give product access to your team members.
It consists of the product technical manuals like getting started, build tools, and it also describes every component with code examples.
It means that you receive access to the entire code for HTML, JS, and SCSS files depending on the different packages of each product.
When you buy our products you have access to our Support Team so you can submit any ticket to us regarding product functionalities and bug fixes (learning and tutorials related requests are not included). You will get responses directly from the product’s creators in 24 hours for regular Support and in a couple of hours for Priority Support (during business days).
Depending on your license type, you have a determined period when you receive product updates that include bug fixes and new features.

More info here.
Please send us an email at [email protected]. We will send you an upgrade coupon for your desired Bundle, and you will only pay the price difference.
Yes, you can. It is available for all Licenses type as long as the support included in the License is still valid.

More info here.

We are here to help you!

195 Web Developers commented on this product

leo.merkel 7 years ago

Any news about Bootstrap 4?

  • owner

@leo.merkel thank you for using our product. The development of the BS4 will come after we finish with GSDK. We just responded to the other comment with a repo to view the progress. Best, Alex!
7 years ago

thrion 7 years ago

@alexpaduraru Thanks for the tip on using bootstrap.min! That solved a TON of little tiny issues I could not resolve!

travisvzs 7 years ago

Hi @alexpaduraru , just wondering what the status is on v1.1? I've pushed back a few tasks I think may benefit from the new components that were hinted at, but if it's going to be a while I should just stop procrastinating :) Thanks for a great design!

  • owner

@travisvzs thank you for using our product. Since we don't like to make you procrastinate we've just sent the Beta version of v1.1.0. You can work with that, the stable version will not change much of the code. You just need to replace the CSS and JS with the new ones. Please let us know if everything is fine. Best, Alex!
7 years ago

oliverrcy 7 years ago

Oh, I would like to have the update too, please. ;)

  • owner

@oliverrcy we sent an email a couple of days ago with the Beta version. Please let us know if you have any feedback. Best, Alex!
7 years ago


Hey, just had a quick overlook. I like the new additions. Can't wait for the final product. :)
7 years ago

kennum 7 years ago

Any word on the React version of this?

  • owner

@kennum we talked this weekend with a possible collaborator to build the React version. He will start soon to migrate the Free version. Then, based on the requests we will release the PRO version. So please stay tuned, more information will come soon. Thank you!
7 years ago


@alexpaduraru Thanks!
7 years ago

entreluck 7 years ago

@axelut please send beta version...Thanks in advance!

  • owner

@entreluck just sent it :D
7 years ago

audreey.alexandre 7 years ago

Hi everyone ! I have a quick question. I'm starting in webdesign, but I would like to make a website. So does any template allows you to change things in the PSD file and right away, is it coded as a real website? I don't get everything.. sorry if I bother ! I would like to make a website but make my own stuff on Photoshop as well. Do I have my own URL for it afterwards ? Thanks a lot, you are doing such a great job!

  • owner

@audreey.alexandre thank you for your interest in our product. The PSD is for design purpose, you have some components which you put together like Lego pieces to see how the final page will look. Then you go into the HTML code using an editor like Atom.io and start to put those elements together. For each element that is in PSD, there is an item coded. There is no link between the PSD and the HTML. You also need basic knowledge of HTML and Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/) to get the full power of our products. From the URL perspective, you need to buy that from a hosting company and upload your site there, we are not selling hosting or domains, we are selling just templates and ui kits. Please let us if you have any further questions. Best, Alex!
7 years ago

vertigo 7 years ago

Hello @alexpaduraru , I have the following question/issue: 1. How can I change the default Purple color to something else? 2. How can I change the input underline focus color? Is it possible to be dynamic on each field instead of one setup for all inputs? 3. Is it possible to use other button colors? the info,danger and etc. are very limited. 4.Why sometimes the input underline animation doesn't work? I'm actually testing in Chrome, when under Network I disable the Cache and refresh the page it runs with animation but without cache it doesn't animate. Best regards, Alex


@alexpaduraru as I already mentioned below, the issue regarding the animation is resolved. I only need your advise for my other questions. Thanks
7 years ago


Thanks @alexpaduraru , I found that line :). I will apply your mentioned tricks into my project.
7 years ago

  • owner

@vertigo thank you for using our product and sorry for the late response, we are preparing the launch of Material Dashboard PRO Angular 2. 1.You can find the colors in assets/sass/material-kit/_variables.scss starting with line 28 where is the primary color set: $brand-primary: $purple !default;. All the possible colors are in assets/sass/material-kit/_colors.scss Add the SASS folder from assets/sass/ to a new project inside Koala Compiler and find the file material-kit.scss, it will be the one in Green. Right click on that file and set the output path, it must be in assets/css/ so anything that you compile will overwrite the original material-kit.css Press on compile and everything will be done automatically. 2. To change the color of the input, you either change the primary color in SASS, as in the example from number 1, or you manually change the code inside the CSS on line 1682 in material-kit.css where is this class ".form-group.is-focused .form-control" you have to change the background-image property with the color that you want. To make that dynamic, you need to create extra classes like ".form-group.is-focused .form-control.is-red" where the class ".is-red" is making the "background-image: linear-gradient(red, red), linear-gradient(#D2D2D2, #D2D2D2);" 3. You can use the same trick as in example 1, and change the colors with anything that you want. Or you can create more buttons in assets/sass/material-kit/_buttons.scss check line 42 where we made the ".btn-rose", and you can use any color to generate new buttons with your class like ".btn-special-pink". 4. Can you please show us an example so we can check and give you a fix? Best, Alex!
7 years ago

vertigo 7 years ago

@alexpaduraru the entire animation issue occurs on every browser. The button ripple is also gone when the animation fails. Please advise.


I actually find the issue. In my existing template I've got this code, after removing the code the input animation works normally. $('body').addClass('no-transitions');
7 years ago

  • owner

@vertigo got it. But, why did you have that code? Is it included in our product? I cannot find it :D
7 years ago

  • owner

@vertigo got it. No worries, hope you will get the best from our product!
7 years ago


My main template was designed on pure BS and then I started to adapt my template with your awesome kit. That's why I had that custom js code for my old template.
7 years ago

vertigo 7 years ago

Is this the right page to ask questions regarding the kit? I still haven't received any response yet!

  • owner

@vertigo this's the right page, we just have been a little busy with the launch preparations of another product, sorry for the inconvenience :-( Best, Alex!
7 years ago


Thanks for responding all my above questions at once :). Have a nice evening!
7 years ago

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