Message: thanks for ur all effort.
its worth to buy xD
Category: Design Quality
Message: No Review Message
Category: Other
Message: It's not perfect for me I want to buy another product.
Category: Design Quality
Message: No Review Message
Category: Documentation Quality
Message: No Review Message
Category: Design Quality
Message: No Review Message
Category: Design Quality
Message: No Review Message
Category: Design Quality
Message: Interface is laggy while scrolling. Scrolling is not smooth at all which results in sub optimal user experience. For example on analytics page or sales page. Scrolling seems to be a bit staggered.
On smart Home page -> consumption by room section while mouse is on the living room on the circle the tool tip for Attic gets displayed.
For humidity temperature etc tiles even though the slider is turned off/on the text on the left top corner always shows off / on depending on its initial stage.
Scrolling doesnt work on the messages page chat box
On settings page if you click multiple times on the top tabs (messages, social , backup etc ) 6-7 times the selection indicator vanishes.
same problem on security page
Clos button doesnt work on kanban board whenever a task is opened. Also if you add a task then you cant edit it or when you click on it the pop up doesnt come up to save changes / close.
on stats there is a export button but it does nothing